Sunday, September 1, 2024
  • time : 00:00
  • Date : Sun Jul 04, 2021
  • news code : 3390
Holding a meeting of prevention projects in Kurdistan province
Holding a meeting of prevention projects in Kurdistan province
Holding a meeting to present the report and symposium of the prevention projects of Kurdistan province on 1400.3.31 with the presence of Dr. Asadi, the national supervisor of projects, deputy of Plant Production Improvement


Holding a meeting of prevention projects in Kurdistan province

Holding a meeting to present the report and symposium of the prevention projects of Kurdistan province on 1400.3.31 with the presence of Dr. Asadi, the national supervisor of projects, deputy of Plant Production Improvement, Plant Conservation Management, Provincial Supervisor and Plant Protection Clinics Implementing Prevention Projects. In order to monitor the implementation of prevention projects in Kurdistan province, Dr. Asadi visited the implementation site of grape cluster feeding accreditation projects in Sanandaj and Kamyaran provinces as well as apple worm in Saqez and Qorveh. During this visit, technical points such as how to take samples, how to register reports in the system and monitor data loggers were presented to experts. In addition, with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Plant Production Improvement and the Director of Plant Protection of the province, and the clinics implementing the projects, a symposium was held to present technical points of view and progress reports at the Jihad Agricultural Organization of the province.

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